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Lip filler per Area
Basic 90,000 KRW
Lip Filler
Basic/Restylane/Restylane Kiss 200,000/330,000/370,000 KRW
Nose Filler(1cc)
Basic/Restylane, Belotero 140,000/300,000 KRW
Super Nose Filler
with Thread Lifting
Nose Filler + Nose Super Thread Lifting +1 of Nose Filler + 1 thread (Fat dissolving/Nose Botox/Septum Filler) 240,000 KRW
Forehead Filler(1cc)
Basic/Restylane, Belotero 140,000/300,000 KRW
(more than 3cc)
Chin Filler(1cc)
Basic/Restylane, Belotero 140,000/300,000 KRW
Cheeks Filler (1cc)
Basic/Restylane, Belotero 140,000/300,000 KRW
Wrinkle Filler(1cc)
Belotero 350,000 KRW
Temple Filler(1cc)
Basic/Restylane, Belotero 180,000/350,000 KRW
Marionettes Filler(1cc)
Basic/Restylane, Belotero 180,000/350,000 KRW
Love eye Filler(1cc)
Restylane 350,000 KRW
Undereye Filler(1cc)
Restylane 350,000 KRW
Eyelid Filler(1cc)
Restylane 350,000 KRW
1cc 69,000 KRW