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Wet hands and feet all year round
Only a dry and soft feeling on your armpits

To dry excessive sweat due to tension, temperature change, etc.
Treatment of hyperhidrosis by inhibiting the secretion of acetaline, a neurotransmitter in sweat glands

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  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    When you have a stressful day, are your hands and feet sweaty?
    I had that problem and I solved it

    • #The prettiest feeling #How I solved it
      #JFEEL #Dry and Soft Injection
      #Sweaty areas
  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    I have severe hyperhidrosis, but it's hard to apply Driclor every day...
    Any idea how to solve it?

    • #The prettiest feeling #Treatment of hyperhidrosis
      #It is possible with botox
      #Treatment without discoloration

Good treatments to do together

  • Hair Removal

    Hypoallergenic, clean, and soft feeling

  • Botox

    Small details make a difference

  • PICO Toning

    Multiple pigmentations at once

  • Juvelook

    The start of naturally lasting anti-aging