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Micro Injection

Fat dissolving injection optimized for fat removal and size reduction

Fat dissolving injection optimized for detailed size reduction according to the cause and type
JFEEL’s unique pink injection with plant-extracted natural ingredients effectively removes fat in the desired area

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  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    I had a really hard time worrying about my thick forearms, but since I got the Micro Injection, I will wear sleeveless clothes confidently!

    • #The prettiest feeling #JFEEL Clinic
      #Micro forearm #Micro Forearm Injection
      #Forearm Fat Dissolving Injection
  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    Whenever I wore skintight clothes, I looked fatter because of the fat around the shoulder and armpit. But I solved my problem with the Micro Forearm Injection.

    • #The prettiest feeling #When worrying about the fat on the upper arms
      #Micro forearms #flabby forearms
      #Goodbye to armpit fat.

Good treatments to get together

  • RF Contouring

    Get a sleek body line without pain!

  • Body Inmode

    Premium InMode to lose fat Try body contouring

  • Eraser Injection

    Effect X2 Dose X2 Treat 2 areas at once

  • Cellulite Treatment

    #Reduce circumference #Improvement of stretchmarks