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V-line Shurink Lifting

Shurink & Power Contour Injection
Get a small face with the best combination for V-line

No sagging cheeks and thick double chin, only V-line
Lifting sagging skin and reducing unnecessary fat with Shurink and Power Contouring Injection of Jfeel, which is dedicated to lifting
Shurink and Power Contour Injection of JFEEL, a lifting specialized clinic, increases sagging skin and eliminates unnecessary fat.

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  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    No celebrity does not receive Shurink treatment these days!
    So, I also got it at JFEEL Clinic :)
    That's why everyone is getting Shurink treatment 😍

    • #The prettiest feeling #Contour Shurink
      #Small Face Project #Face disappearance #The effect is amazing!
  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    Before the trip, I came here to get Shurink treatment with my mom 🙌!
    My big face was my hang-up, but I am very satisfied with the result of the treatment, so I will continue to receive Shurink treatment.

    • #The prettiest feeling #Contour Shurink
      #Get over the hang-up #It’s good to get the treatment with my mother
      #Shurink is a good filial piety

Good treatments to get together

  • Inmode

    Fat reduction, skin tightening

  • V-shape Tox

    Breaks down fat and reduces muscle

  • Cheek Contour

    A slim and beautiful cheek line design just by injection

  • Thread Lift

    Create a V-line by pulling the skin using a safe melting thread